2. Subnetting Calculation

In this section, you are expecting to show the calculation on how to identify the IP address that was assigned for the OnlineLearning System Server based on the information given in the project scenario. Explain the concept and show the calculation to identify the IP address.

Total Subnet = 8 Faculty + 1 IT Center
                     = 9 Subnet

So we will use Subnet Class A
Figure 1: Class A Subnet List

As shown in figure 1, the nearest is we can use /12 because the number of subnets is 16.

Based on the formula 2^n = Total Subnets
Therefore 2^4 = 16
So we will borrow n=4 bits from the host and the useable host address is 16-2 = 14.

The subnet will be subnet mask will be because 1111 0000 = 240

Figure 2

The IT centre is assigned as the 9th subnet and the Online Learning System Server is assigned at the 4th available address. Based on the table above, we can sure that the address of the Online Learning System Server is The address will not be count because it will be used for the router address. So based on the scenario given, the address for the Online Learning System Server is


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